General Terms and Conditions


Please read the GTC carefully, in which EKHO ’94 Ltd. informs the future participants of a conference (hereinafter referred to as Participants) about the general conditions of the contract to be signed between them.
The contact between EKHO ’94 Ltd. and the Participant 

1. The contract between EKHO ’94 Ltd. and the Participant is automatically established through the voluntary inscription of the Participant and the acceptance of the GTC, and it is considered an electronic written contract. The Participant will receive a confirmation e-mail containing the most significant conditions of the written contract which has been established. This confirmation will be registered and stored, but will not be filed in any other way.
2. In the contract between EKHO ’94 Ltd. and the Participant, EKHO ’94 Ltd. will provide services relevant to the conference which has been identified by the Participant. The Participant will pay a fee to EKHO ’94 Ltd., which has been defined on the conference website, via direct e-mail or on the premises of the conference.
3. The content of the services provided for each conference managed by EKHO ’94 Ltd. is listed on the website of each conference. Through the application, the Participant will choose the ones that they would like to use. The website of the conference equally contains the terms of cancellation so please read these as well. We would like to call your attention to the fact that the services ordered by the application, their price, the most important conditions found on the conference website (e.g. the terms of cancellation), as well as the order made by the Participant and its confirmation are part of the present GTC, thus of the electronic contract too. Please note that the terms of cancellation may be different from the general practice.
4. EKHO ’94 Ltd. works with subcontractors to carry out their services. These intermediary services will be indicated on the final invoice. 
5. Payment can be made with a debit and credit card via OTP Bank. A bank transfer is also possible, as well as face-to-face payment in cash or with a debit or credit card on the premises of the conference. After marking the service package selected, the application will generate a pro forma invoice, based on which the payment can be made. The pro forma invoice contains the items to be paid. A prepayment invoice will be prepared by EKHO ’94 Ltd., which is considered a form subject to strict accountability. The final invoice of the Participant will be sent via post, unless requested otherwise. The final invoice always contains the amount of intermediary services.
6. The contract established between EKHO ’94 Ltd. and the Participant lasts for a determined amount of time, until the end of the fulfilment of the services defined in the present contract (i.e. until the end of the conference). The two parties may modify the contract upon mutual agreement and in writing (e-mail and its confirmation).
7. Upon the mandate of the professional organizers and with the aim of popularizing the conference or the particular profession, EKHO ’94 Ltd. may prepare audio and video recordings and may make it publicly available in an electronic way. By accepting the GTC, the Participant accepts the preparation and publication of audio and video recordings which do not infringe their personality rights and which aim uniquely at popularizing and reviewing the conference.
8. EKHO ’94 Ltd. may cancel the contract if the Participant does not perform their payment obligation despite a warning and a second deadline, or if they infringe a significant condition of the contract in any other way.
9. In case of defective performance, the guidelines of the Civil Code are valid (EKHO ’94 Ltd. is obliged to correct the lack of conformity, and on the other hand, the Participant is obliged to announce the lack of conformity to EKHO ’94 Ltd. on the premises of the conference). EKHO ’94 Ltd. only takes responsibility for damages which are proven to be their fault. The maximal amount of the restitution is the participation fee for a participant of the conference in question.
10. In questions not regulated by the individual contract between the two parties, the present GTC is normative. EKHO ’94 Ltd. has not submitted itself to a Code of Conduct.
11. In any questions not regulated in the present contract, this agreement shall be governed, construed, and enforced in accordance with Hungarian law, especially the Civil Code and the Hungarian law in force. In case of legal dispute, it should be resolved by Hungarian Court.
Debrecen, 1 February 2017
Details of EKHO ’94 Ltd.:
Name of company: EKHO ’94  Kiállítás-, Rendezvényszervező és Szolgáltató Kft.
Company registration number: 09-09-007387
Tax number: 12496167-2-09
Office: 4032 Debrecen, Babits Mihály u. 8., Hungary